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2017 English Names Selection: 20 Beautiful Names for Girls


Choosing a name for your child is an essential task that carries significant meaning. As an experienced naming expert, well-versed in the Five Elements, Eight Characters, astrology, and Chinese philosophy, I have carefully selected 20 beautiful and meaningful English names for girls in 2017. Each name comes with a detailed explanation of its connotations and a wider exploration of the art of naming.

Name 1: Amelia

Meaning: Derived from the Latin word amabilis, Amelia signifies lovable or kind-hearted. This name exudes warmth and compassion, characteristics that are highly valued in interpersonal relationships.

Name 2: Charlotte

Meaning: Charlotte, a French name, means free. It represents independence, strength, and resilience. This name instills a sense of confidence in a girl, reminding her to always embrace her freedom.

Name 3: Grace

Meaning: Grace symbolizes elegance, refinement, and divine favor. It serves as a constant reminder for its bearer to carry herself with poise and extend kindness towards others.

Name 4: Victoria

Meaning: Derived from the Latin word victoria, this name stands for victory and triumph. Victoria instills a sense of ambition and determination, motivating its bearer to overcome obstacles and attain success.

Name 5: Olivia

Meaning: Olivia signifies peace, harmony, and serenity. Its bearer radiates a calming aura and possesses a natural ability to resolve conflicts and create a harmonious environment.

Name 6: Sophia

Meaning: Sophia, originating from the Greek word for wisdom, represents intelligence, knowledge, and insight. This name inspires its bearer to pursue lifelong learning and growth.

Name 7: Abigail

Meaning: Abigail means father's joy in Hebrew. It signifies happiness, pleasure, and brings a ray of sunshine into the lives of those around her.

Name 8: Isabella

Meaning: Isabella, derived from the Hebrew name Elizabeth, means pledged to God. It embodies faith, devotion, and a strong connection to one's spirituality.

Name 9: Lily

Meaning: Lily represents purity, innocence, and beauty. This enchanting name evokes images of blooming flowers and embodies traits of grace and charm.

Name 10: Emily

Meaning: Emily, derived from the Latin name Aemilia, symbolizes industriousness and hard work. Bearers of this name tend to be diligent individuals who strive for excellence.

Name 11: Harper

Meaning: Harper, traditionally a surname, has become an increasingly popular first name. It signifies creativity, musicality, and individuality.

Name 12: Aurora

Meaning: Aurora, the name of the Roman goddess of dawn, represents new beginnings, hope, and enlightenment. It reflects the beauty and magic of a new day.

Name 13: Scarlett

Meaning: Scarlett signifies strength, passion, and vitality. It embodies the fiery spirit of determination and empowers its bearer to overcome any challenges.

Name 14: Stella

Meaning: Stella, derived from the Latin word for star, represents radiance, inspiration, and guidance. It symbolizes the ability to light up the darkness and bring warmth to others.

Name 15: Mia

Meaning: Mia is a diminutive of the name Maria, which means wished-for child. This name symbolizes love, joy, and cherished dreams.

Name 16: Lucy

Meaning: Derived from the Latin word lux, meaning light, Lucy represents illumination and knowledge. This name encourages intellectual exploration and serves as a guiding light in dark times.

Name 17: Vivian

Meaning: Vivian signifies lively, energetic, and vibrant qualities. It represents a zest for life and a vibrant personality that leaves a lasting impression.

Name 18: Jasmine

Meaning: Jasmine symbolizes grace, elegance, and feminine charm. This name exudes a sense of allure and carries with it the fragrance of delicate flowers.

Name 19: Alice

Meaning: Alice is a name derived from the Germanic word adalheidis, meaning noble and kind. This name embodies virtue, goodness, and generosity.

Name 20: Penelope

Meaning: Penelope represents faithfulness, loyalty, and unwavering commitment. It serves as a constant reminder to stay true to one's values and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.


Choosing a name for your child is a deeply personal process. The names listed above are a testament to the beauty and richness of the English language when it comes to naming girls. Each name carries a unique meaning and connotation, providing a foundation for your child's future. Remember, while these names have been carefully selected, it is essential to consider personal preferences, cultural backgrounds, and individual circumstances. Use this list as a reference and starting point on your journey to finding the perfect name for your little one.





2017 English Names Selection: 20 Beautiful Names f...








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